Aircraft Life Support Fitter,
Safety Equipment Worker & Fabric Worker's website.

NEWS Help Wanted

NEWS Help Wanted!

new I need your help to update this website. I will list below the information I require, BUT if you have other information please forward it to me. Either via ALSFITT FaceBook, or .

Thank you!

NEWS Help Wanted

I am seeking any information suitable for a future Newsletter or Grapevine.

This can be any of the following as long as it is ALSFITT related:

  • Pictures (with attached story/information),
  • Stories,
  • Jokes,
  • Where are they now?,
  • Reunions - Info and pics from past reunions. Future Reunions will get better presentation from the ALSFITT FaceBook page, but we can still advertise them in the Newsletter,
  • Last Posts,
  • Suggestions,
  • Editor's Say, (that's YOU the Writer/Drafter whoever you may be), &
  • Anything else YOU think is suitable.

NEWSLETTER Writer/Drafter

I am seeking someone who has the ability to Write/Draft Newsletters. I will send you the information I've been sent from members, and as well, you can add your own content. When you're finished, return it to me (preferably in MS Word format) and I will convert it into .php code and add it to the site.

Without scaring you off before you even start, I have 10 years of info. Some suitable some may not be. So you'll have some decisions to make, because I will NOT be vetting it, I will just send it to you (who ever you are).