Historical pictures


These crests were the losing designs that were submitted for a official SQN crest.  The first on has a swooping magpie with with the words "QUI VIVE" (pronounced 'key eve') which means "on the alert".  The second design has the top hat and cane with the words "MORE MAJORUM" which means "after the manner of our ancestors", this relates to the top hat and cane which dates back to WWII.  Why the Magpie was used instead of the traditional top hat cane I have no idea as the top hat and cane was on the sabre and early mirage and is on the CO's hornet.


This is picture of a drogue parachute which was given to the Squadron by Ray Harvey, a ex-75SQN Fabric Worker from WWII. It has the names of all the aircrew that flew with 75SQN in New Guinea during Ray's time with the Squadron. The chute was given to the Squadron in the early 90's but was left to rot in an old envelope which sat in the corner of a room at the Squadron until uncovered by Paul Mason and Steve Tetley. The chute had a letter with it from Ray Harvey.  Paul wrote to Ray explaining what had happened to his chute and asked that if they, 75SQN Life Support section, had the parachute preserved and then mounted and framed, could we hang it in our section. Ray wrote to him and said yes, but could he have a Squadron cap he had originally asked for. The cap along with a 75SQN patch & Life Support patch were duly dispatched and the parachute now has pride of place on the 75SQN Life Support section smoko wall along with other memorabilia.

If you wish to go back an look at the complete history of 75SQN Aircraft Life Support, SEW & Fabbies, click here!