Medowie Reunion
There is a proposed ALSFITT Reunion in Medowie on the Oct Long weekend (Specifically Sat 2nd October 2021). For more detail check
the Williamtown Reunion page.
There are more details in the ALSFITT FaceBook page or you can contact
the .
Help Wanted!
I have added a new page called HELP Wanted. It's self-explanatory. I will list on this main HELP Wanted page anything other than that on the Pictures, News & Members Help Wanted pages.
I have also added individual Help pages for each of the course groups ALSFITT Courses '87-1 to 98-1' Help Wanted page, ALSFITT Courses '1999-1 to 2009-2' Help Wanted page, ALSFITT Courses '2010-1 to 2020-1' Help Wanted page, a NEWS Help Wanted page and a MEMBERS Help Wanted page, and an EVENTS Help Wanted page. These pages can be found under their relevant heading tab. (ie: News, Pictures, Members, & Events etc.)
2 Dec 2019
You can now reunite with old ALSFITT / Safety Equipo's / Fabric Workers on FaceBook. ALSFITTs. There are currently 340 members on-board with more joining each day. We'll look forward to seeing you.
10 Aug 09
TOWNSVILLE Reunion 8 November 2009.
A reunion has been organised for Townsville to be held at the Sea Breeze on the Strand. If you intend on coming along, please indicate your intention in the ALSFITT Townsville Reunion page.
10 Jan 09
SYDNEY Reunion 28 March 2009.
A reunion has been organised for Sydney to be held at R&G McGee's in Richmond. If you intend on coming along, please indicate your intention in the ALSFITT Sydney Reunion page.
16 Feb 07
ALSFITT Almanac. The ALSFITT Almanac, ALSFITT Bulletin Board, ALSFITT Forum, ALSFITT Chat Room, ALSFITT Tell a Friend, ALSFITT Calendar have all been removed, along with the NRL & AFL ALSFITT Footy Tipping Competitions. The advertising of the ALSFITT Stubby Coolers & Key Rings and Patches has also been removed. If you still want a Patch or Keyring, please check it out on the ALSFITTs Facebook Site.
28 Aug 06
DELTA has been updated! The Delta version of the ALSFITT website has had its first update. You'll also find ALSFITT Newsletter No 9, names added to some of
the pictures in the galleries, some reunions coming up (SA & QLD), and a site map.
P.S. Please let me know if you find anything wrong within the site (ie: if it
doesn't work properly in your browser, if graphics take too long to load, if links don't work, if text is too small, if information is wrong etc..etc..etc. Just send an e-mail
to the ALSFITT Webmaster.
25 Jan 06
DELTA is here! The entire ALSFITT website has been rebuilt. The new website is done mainly in CSS, PHP & xHTML with a very very little bit of JavaScript! I hope you like it. You'll also find ALSFITT Newsletter No 8.
15 Nov 05
After updating of all pages within the site and obtaining approval was put back on-line. The site now only contains historical information.
12 Jun 03
For security reasons the site was temporarily (2.5 years) taken off-line.
25 Jan 03
First updating of various pages within the 'Charlie' version of the ALSFITT website, the 7th newsletter, major update of member's pages, including 'E-MAIL SAFE' e-mail links in the member's names, reunion info, updating of ALSFITT jobs & added some new info to the SQN history pages.
28 Sep 02
The 'Charlie' version (includes a comprehensive update of the entire site), updated some e-mail links in the member's pages, reunion info, jobs & added some new SQN history pages.
10 July 02
An update of the member's pages & inclusion of the 6th ALSFITT Newsletter.
15 Dec 01
An update of the member's pages, added a new reunions section in the menu bar, updated the 75SQN History page & inclusion of the 5th ALSFITT Newsletter.
1 Sep 01
An update of the member's pages, the removal of the 'Click-2-Talk' feature, updates on the 3 upcoming reunions & the 4th ALSFITT Newsletter.
12 Jul 01
A quick update to notify members of the upcoming reunions, some new e-mail contacts and a competition.
9 Mar 01
The second addition of new articles and information to the 'Beta' version of the ALSFITT web site and the 3rd ALSFITT Newsletter!
31 Dec 00
The first addition/update of new articles and information to the 'Beta' version of the ALSFITT web site and the 2nd ALSFITT Newsletter!
28 Jul 00
A major rebuild of the ALSFITT web site. The 'Beta' version and the 1st ALSFITT web-based Newsletter.
19 Mar 00
The 'Alpha' version of the ALSFITT web site created & published!